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Employment Applications: More Than Just an HR Best Practice

A typewriter with the words "Job Application" written on a piece of paper

Why would we ask a professional candidate with a well-crafted resume to complete an employment application? While many might think that a resume and an employment application are redundant, not all the information requested on an employment application is included on a resume. It is typically a best practice to simply let the candidate know … Read more

What’s the Right Policy Limit for Your Firm?

Items on a desk, with the word "chance" spelled out

A frequently asked question by CAMICO policyholders is, “What should our policy limit be?” This is not an easy question to answer, which may explain why it is asked often. The answer to the question requires a careful consideration of a variety of factors that run the gamut from the relatively well defined, such as … Read more

Indemnification: Questions to Ask Before Signing an Agreement

Cutout boxes with question marks on them

It’s important that before you contractually bind the firm to an arrangement of this significance, take the time to understand all the implications of the legalese in the agreement. Make sure you are comfortable with the agreement and the expectations that will fall on the firm – and ask key questions before agreeing to any indemnification and hold harmless clauses.

Crypto: Thinking Future Risk and Defensive Documentation

A bitcoin coin going into a jean pocket

“Hope for the best, plan for the worst” — a very sound risk management approach. When it comes to your client being exposed to cryptoasset risk “plan for the worst” is necessary. No one at CAMICO, or anywhere else, knows whether cryptoassets will suffer a crash in value. What we at CAMICO do know is … Read more