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Exclusive Policyholder Benefits

Risk management services and resources to help you with today’s practice challenges CAMICO knows that insurance alone is not a solution for reducing risks. That’s why you have access to CAMICO’s proven approaches that have helped numerous CPA firms manage risk and avoid claims. The following highlight some facets of policyholder benefits available to you … Read more

War Story 117 – Ransomware Attack

A staff member of a mid-size CPA firm logged into a public wi-fi network at a coffee shop and spent the morning working on firm files while on the public network. A few days later the employee received an email message from a hacker stating that a ransomware attack had encrypted all of the firm’s … Read more

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Policyholders Respond to CAMICO Survey on the Pandemic

More than 900 CAMICO policyholders responded to a survey recently regarding the COVID-19 pandemic impacts on CPA firms. CAMICO conducted the survey to learn more about how policyholders are being affected by the crisis and what they view as their top challenges. The survey also included comment boxes for participants to express their feedback, priorities … Read more

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In Memoriam: Tag Wilson

Tag Wilson, a dedicated CAMICO claims team member, passed away unexpectedly in February 2020. Tag had been with CAMICO since 2001 and was a passionate advocate on behalf of CPAs. With more than 35 years of claims handling experience, he managed some of CAMICO’s most complex and significant exposure cases and took the lead in … Read more

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Combat Cyber Threats with Better Awareness Training

by Joseph E. Brunsman, MSL It should come as no surprise that, as large aggregators of sensitive client data, CPA firms are primary targets for cyber criminals. While breaches and ransomware events at large firms and businesses make for enticing headlines, small and midsized firms should not get a false sense of “security by obscurity.” … Read more

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Remote Work Creating More Hacker and Malware Opportunities

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, working remotely has opened new potential access points and vulnerabilities that hackers are exploiting. CPA firms are already prime targets for identity thieves, and these new vulnerabilities exacerbate the profession’s cyber-related challenges. Since April 2020, 13 CAMICO policyholders have reported data breaches that in aggregate resulted in the … Read more

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