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Claims Handling Approach at CAMICO



In spite of a CPA’s best intentions, there is always the potential for an error, omission, or client disappointment. CAMICO policyholders work directly with in-house claims specialists who have many years of experience in handling accountants’ professional liability insurance claims. CAMICO follows three basic steps when handling claims:


Disputes can impact a firm’s income, assets and reputation. CAMICO’s sole focus on the CPA profession delivers exacting counsel throughout the claims handling process, so claims are resolved efficiently and effectively. When helping policyholders, our in-house, claims specialists view every situation as an opportunity to demonstrate:

  1. CAMICO’s expert approach to the claims process, specifically for CPAs (Accountants)
  2. Our personalized approach to helping policyholders with their specific situation and needs

At CAMICO, we are dedicated to preserving a CPA firm’s reputation with a proactive approach to claims handling. CAMICO’s experience shows that early intervention can minimize potential damages before they escalate. That’s why we assist with potential claim matters on your behalf and at our own expense. We even provide incentives to encourage early reporting of a problem:

  1. Potential claims expenses such as attorneys’ fees are not charged against the deductible or policy limit
  2. Deductibles are reduced by 50% (up to $50,000) for early reporting of a potential claim during the policy period in which it becomes known, or use of formal mediation to attempt to resolve a claim

Claims situations can be extremely stressful. With your practice and reputation at stake, it is easy to imagine the worst. In the event that a matter turns into a claim, CAMICO is with you every step of the way. Our claims specialists apply upfront analysis to develop and implement a strategy to resolve the matter in a focused manner. To achieve best results, our proactive approach includes assembling, when warranted, a team of experienced lawyers, experts, and consultants and includes a strong emphasis on risk management.

Interested in a quote?

CAMICO has a streamlined and user-friendly online application process for CPA firms with up to 3 CPA professionals. Receive an insurance quote in less than 5 minutes!

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