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Tax Engagement Letters Updated for 2017

All tax letters on the CAMICO Members-Only Site are current for the 2016 tax filing year. The following CAMICO sample engagement letters have been updated for the deadline changes for FBARs (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts) due in 2017 for calendar year 2016:

Individual Income Tax Preparation — Expanded
Corporate Income Tax Preparation — Expanded
S-Corporation Income Tax Preparation
Partnership Income Tax Preparation — Expanded
Income Tax Preparation for a Single-Member LLC
Preparation of Estate Tax Returns
Preparation of Trust Tax Returns
Non-Profit Form 990 Return

Revised sample FBAR engagement letter languageEngagement Letters Resource Center Policyholder Login

by itself can be also be accessed, as well as more than 90 sample engagement and other letters, in the

on the CAMICO Members-Only Site. Go to for the


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