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Q&A with CAMICO Board Member Greg Regan CPA, CFF, MBA

Regan was elected to CAMICO’s Board of Directors on June 13, 2023.

What do you enjoy most about serving on CAMICO’s Board of Directors?                                                Regan: I first became involved with CAMICO through an invitation from CAMICO’s CEO, Ric Rosario, who I had developed an admiration for while we both served on the Finance Committee for Serra High School in San Mateo. Since that time, I have served on various CAMICO committees and apprenticed to become a Board member. It came as no surprise to me to learn that Ric has assembled an incredibly talented management team at CAMICO from Underwriting, to Claims, to Finance and IT. The same can be said about CAMICO’s Board: bright people abound. Each meeting, I have the opportunity to learn and interact with colleagues that care deeply about serving the insurance needs of the accounting profession.

What are some of your strengths as a leader in your field?
I pride myself on my ability to work collaboratively with people. This ability is foundational to my experiences working with the attorneys, judges, juries, and regulators that I work with as a forensic accountant. I especially enjoy sharing the experience and knowledge that I have accumulated with others to build the next generation of CPAs.

What is most rewarding about your role at Hemming Morse?
Regan serves as the partner-in-charge of Hemming Morse’s Forensic and Financial Consulting Services Group

The best thing about being part of Hemming Morse is similar to working with CAMICO. We provide a highly specialized service. It is rewarding when our insights assist our clients in resolving their high stress moments whether in litigation or during an investigation.

What is one piece of advice you have for CPAs today?
Specialize. Figure out what you’re good at and what you enjoy. Is it a particular type of service, an industry, or a particular type of client? Become the best you can and commit to continuous learning. As part of this effort, build your network of CPAs. The greater the specialization, the more valuable your referral network becomes.

What are some key patterns that you see in accounting investigations?
The patterns are reciprocal. The perpetrator often holds an incorrect belief that he is smarter than anyone else. On the other hand, victims often overextend their trust to the perpetrator, owing to a desire to believe the story being told to them. The truth lies in the data—trust but verify.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or CAMICO?
CAMICO is a critical organization to the accounting profession. Our specialization in the field of protecting accountants enables our policyholders to sleep easier at night and focus on delivering value to their clients. The consistency of our delivery of good service has earned deep and deserved loyalty from our policyholders. You’ll never know how much you’ll need a trusted partner like CAMICO until you do!

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