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3 Ways CPAs Can Avoid Disputes

Document, document, document. Keeping good documentation is the single best way to manage your risk. If you’re ever the subject of a lawsuit, your documentation can be the difference between escaping unscathed and being held responsible for damages. When a lawsuit goes to trial, the plaintiffs have the right to look through all relevant documents … Read more

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What do I do if my client won’t pay

CPAs work hard for their clients, but clients don’t always show their accountants the same regard. Sometimes a client won’t pay their accountant. CAMICO has years of experience helping its CPA policyholders recover fees. This post will explain some of the ways you can try to get your money. Disengagement The best way to avoid … Read more

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What to do if my client gets divorced

Divorce can be a highly charged situation for CPAs, especially when one accountant represents both parties in a divorce. CAMICO has more than 30 years’ experience handling such situations. These are some of our best practices for CPAs with divorcing clients. Representing both sides in a divorce is a potential conflict of interest Representing both … Read more

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